Thursday, January 24, 2013

Commonly Asked Interracial Dating Questions

About You:

One of the most commonly asked interracial dating questions will be from other people to you. These questions can be anything from: why are you with someone who isn't your race? How do people perceive you guys? Do you like it?

The answers to those questions are usually simple to you, and seem more than obvious, but to people who are unfamiliar with interracial dating or mixed race couples it can be tricky. First off, I am with someone who isn't my race because I love her as a person not just for her appearance. I love her because no matter what race she is I would love her as a person and it is literally as simple as that. I am very attracted to people of other races and she is beautiful just the way she is. I like white women, but I am not white. There is no problem with dating someone else of another race so we do it. Secondly, people perceive us differently all of the time. If we are in a rural area sometimes we get stares or looks, but it has not become an issue although sometimes it can be annoying. We are who we are and we love each other so it really doesn't matter what anyone else thinks at all. Lastly, of course we like it! We love it. Interracial dating is exactly what we want and have always wanted. She has never wanted to be with a white person even though she's white and I have never wanted to be with an Asian person even though I'm Asian. It's just the way things are and with us both it has worked out beautifully.

About Your Partner:

Does she like all races? Does she only like one race? Do people give her trouble?

First of all, my girlfriend is attracted to people of any race. Interracial dating wasn't really an option until she left her small, secluded town and ventured out. When she did she realized she loved people of other races. People give her trouble seemingly only when they're very closed minded or jealous. Racism is obviously still present in the world and racist people are never going to go away no matter how stupid and ignorant they are. People give her trouble, yes, but most people seem to have no problem at all.

About Your Families:

Do they approve? Did they approve at first? Do they get along?

Our families love each other. They get along great and all seem to be more than accepting. They see that we make each other happy and that we love each other so of course seeing us happy is their main concern. They approve, and did at first too. Neither of our families are racist or closed minded. Many families won't approve if it is not common in the area, or if everyone else in the family is of one race. Sometimes this can be a huge issue, but the bottom line is if it makes you happy and if it is a healthy relationship otherwise then of course there is no problem with it.

Interracial Dating Humor

Interracial dating is quite a roller coaster ride of emotions and fun just like any other kind of dating. It seems to come with more ups and downs since not everyone is as accepting as they should be. In the time I've been with my girlfriend we've had tons of crazy things happen to us, said to us, and all around done to us to make us have a big laugh. Everyone loves to laugh so here are a few funny stories about our interracial relationship.

I'm a mix of Asian and white. I look mostly Asian, but Asian people can tell I'm not fully Asian while white people usually assume I'm completely Asian. The first time I went over to my girlfriend's grandfather's house he met me at the door and said, “Sorry. Wrong house we didn't order Chinese food”, since I was holding a big bag of food for everyone for dinner. After my girlfriend saw this she doubled over laughing at the terribly racist remark and assumption her grandfather had just made. This was a point where I could have either laughed along with the craziness of the mixup or gotten very mad at the racist assumption that I was a Chinese delivery person simply because I was an unfamiliar Asian person with food.

Long story short, I laughed, we all laughed, and ever since then I have become incredibly close with my girlfriend's white grandfather. Me being Asian has no real difference on the fact that we get along great and like the same things. It's crazy that the first time we met could have been a disaster, but looking back that painfully awkward meeting helped us break the ice.

Another time, my girlfriend and I went out to eat at a restaurant with her family in a smaller, more rural town. The waitress assumed I was an adopted brother and not the boyfriend of my girlfriend. It was quite awkward and we all had a big laugh about it after she made a point to say how cool it was that our family had adopted me from overseas.

The bottom line is most situations with interracial couples can either be made to be incredibly disturbing acts of racism and ignorance, but they can also be laughed at for being as ridiculous as they are and as shockingly random as they can be. You need to be open minded to other people's gut opinions and the things that come out of their mouths in an interracial relationship. If you take everything too personally and think everyone is insulting or being rude you'll never be able to make an interracial relationship last.

Contributed by Mark

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

True Interracial Love Could Be Just a Click Away

The world is full of beautiful people. Meeting and getting to know the right one is difficult. It’s made even more difficult with interracial dating. As a minority, or a person who is attracted to minorities, it can be especially hard and frustrating to try and find like minded people, let alone prospective dates. Luckily, there is an amazing social networking site called, It is a place where interracial interested singles can meet up and connect for free!

These days over half of relationships start online. And, although at many points in history interracial dating has been frowned upon, these days it’s not only gaining widespread acceptance, it shows that you’re more open and non judgmental. Given the expansion of both online dating, and the acceptance of interracial dating, a place where these topics live together in harmony is needed. is the go to website to meet up safely, securely, and privately for interracial relationships.

There are amazing and friendly people who you could be dating all over the world. The internet was not only a technological revolution, but a personal revolution as well. Before the age of high speed internet, meeting people from all over the world was limited and either was expensive or took incredible amounts of tim. Now, through interracial dating sites it is easier than ever to meet people around the world who are also interested in interracial dating.

Everyone has their own reasons for pursuing interracial dating. Whether it’s out of sheer physical attraction, curiosity, or some reason you just can’t explain, being attracted to other races isn’t something you can control. There’s no better way to explore the world of free online dating with people that share your same interests.

Limiting yourself to just your geographical region isn't fair to yourself. With billions of people on the Earth and so many of them not being within reach, you owe it to yourself to reach out to them in the one way possible, online dating! With thousands of people signing up each day, and millions more interested, there’s no reason to put off signing up for free at

·       Meet singles for free
·       Explore your personal desires in interracial dating
·       Explore the world for other attractive people
·       Stay in the security and privacy of your own home
·       Talk to who you want to
·       Finally pursue the kind of people you are attracted to with no risks

Interracial Dating: Love Is So Much More Than Skin Deep

Since the beginning of time the laws of attraction and passion have been debated. What makes someone beautiful? What makes one person attracted to another? One thing is for sure. It isn’t race. When people let their guard down and don’t let societal stereotypes and judgments interfere with their personal feelings anything can happen. A black man could fall in love with a white woman; an Asian man could fall in love with a Hispanic woman. Race doesn’t determine attraction. It’s what’s on the inside that matters. Beauty isn’t skin deep and love certainly isn’t either. Interracial relationships are natural. They are the next step in advancing society without taking societal norms and racism with us.

Looking through the world in a local sense may give the wrong impression. All around us is prejudice and racism. Those who have desires for an interracial relationship may be put off and discouraged. Let me tell you personally, the right person is waiting out there for you. I’m in an interracial relationship and it’s the happiest I’ve ever been. The only people who give us looks are those who never got out enough, those who fail to see the beauty in a person, those who are simply misguided and negative. I’ve known for most of my life that I wanted to be with someone else who wasn’t the same race as I am. It was just a feeling. Now having acceptance and closure on that feeling I am able to be myself and enjoy my partner’s company how I’ve always wanted to.

If interracial dating is something you feel like you want to try, you should. It will always be that unknown for the rest of your life if you leave that as an open ended question. You can’t help who you’re attracted to, and pretending you feel any other way won’t change that. The heart wants what the heart wants.

I like to think the world is filled with happy, kind and open minded people, but sadly that’s not always the case. The area I grew up in was very rural and there were few minorities. The idea of an interracial couple was unheard of and there were certainly none in the area. If there was an option such as an interracial dating site for me back then I would have had a whole new world opened up to me. My world was so closed off to the idea of interracial dating.

When pursuing a relationship with somebody in a still relatively unique situation such as an interracial relationship, it can be hard unless you have a supportive base. One of the best ways to meet people who think the same way and want to encourage you to do this is through online networking.

1 in 12 Marriages in 2012 was an Interracial Couple

Relationships are a natural and beautiful expression of a living being's feelings. Love, laughter, joy, sadness, and anger are inevitable in life. Having someone who is a best friend and a partner throughout it all makes life complete. Everyone is attracted to different types of people. Some people are simply more physically attracted to people of a different race. Evolutionarily, mixed race couples are simply natural and anything that suggests otherwise is overtly racist or outdated. A person is not defined by their skin color, but it is usually the first thing we notice about another person. Physical attraction starts with the eyes and since we usually see a person for their race first it does not mean we are racist, simply that that is the most uniquely identifying feature that comes out.

I am the child of an interracial couple, and I am in an interracial relationship. My mother's parents were an interracial couple as well. It is most literally in my blood. Being an interracial person does not change who I am or what I want, and it did not sentence me to become a person who sought out only people of another race romantically. Although, since there are very few people of the racial combination I am, it did sort of mean I would have to date outside of what I was by blood. Interracial dating is something I guess, intentionally or not, I have always pursued. I have always been attracted to people of different races; it is natural to be.

Statistics recently revealed from the Pew Center show that last year nearly 1 out of every 12 marriages were from mixed race couples. His just goes to show how significantly the frequency and acceptance of interracial relationships are rising. Even just a few decades ago, every famous person would be in a relationship with someone of their own race in fear that the publicity of an interracial relationship would sully their reputation. These days most of the top headlining names are in relationships with other celebrities who are of another race.

There is no need to deny these feelings which are completely normal and natural for any person to experience. Race is not a cage that keeps you only being attracted to on kind of person, or limiting a person to only being allowed to love someone who looks the same. Don't hold back any longer. Don't wait any more to find love. With millions of people out there on the internet looking for love, sites like make it easy to connect with other people who want what you do.

Go out there! It's the new year and there's no better time or place to find your true love.

New Years, New Interracial Dating

New year and new relationships. Too many of us spent last year looking for love in all of the wrong places while seeing everyone around us get married, find mates, and be happy. This year it can all change. If you're into seeking relationships with people of other races then interracial dating sites structured around that idea are the absolute best and easiest way to go about finding love.
For years and years before I met my current partner, all I would want each year was to find that person who was great for me. Relationships start with physical attraction. If you're attracted to people of another race then don't settle for anything less. It wouldn't be fair to anyone. If you want the perfect partner, then you must be honest with yourself. Seek out that special person from the millions who are doing the same, wanting the same and needing the same, online on dating sites like
There's no better time than now to mix a new partner into your life than the new year. If you wait until months from now all you'll do is wish you had started looking months ago. Each day that passes is another day you could be spending with the potential love of your life.

You can't look at a newspaper or magazine without seeing the cover plastered with either a multiracial child, or the latest interracial couple. Thinking people should only be with people of their same race is a thing of the past. If you're reading this, most likely you have wondered about interracial dating and wanted to pursue it yourself. Well then, stop holding back and get right to it!

Sites like come into play since anyone on there is willing, and specifically looking for, a partner of another race. It really cuts down the possible rejection and embarrassment of getting turned down by yet another racist or closed minded person. It can be tricky to meet people who are seriously interested in other races, especially in communities that are less than welcoming of the idea. That's why looking for love in the right place..

Start the new year off right. Put your best foot forward and go out and meet a new person who wants what you want and is looking for what you're looking for. Love is simply a free click away!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Worldwide Views on Interracial Relationships

Interracial relationships and the way people perceive them vary an incredible amount depending on where in the world you are. For example in the southern United States there are still areas where racism thrives and the idea of an interracial couple is grounds for harassment. There are also places like the west coast of the United States where interracial relationships are entirely commonplace and accepted. It really completely depends on geography and the demographic of the people in the area. If there is that much variance within the United States, then obviously worldwide the same pattern can be recognized.

Worldwide acceptance of interracial relationships varies from country to country and city to city, just as it would any other place in the world. There are of course areas where it is far more widely accepted than others. For example Canada is one of the most widely recognized countries for being open to interracial couples. In fact, you'd be hard pressed to walk the streets in any major city and not see a black and white mixed couple or an Asian and white mixed couple. It's quite a welcome and amazing site to see.

Countries in the Middle East on the other hand are notorious for being not as willing to accept interracial couples.  Many often forbid it in more strict areas and cultural stereotypes belittle the idea often from birth.

A common theme seems that where there are more people of different races in general are where there are more likely to be more accepting interracial communities. Canada, like America, is an incredibly diverse cultural melting pot. The presence of so many different nationalities in such booming cities makes it inevitable for interracial love to blossom. Places like Afghanistan where there are few foreigners present on a larger scale would simply not allow for interracial relationships to even arise.

All in all, it really does depend on where you live to find interracial love. You just might get lucky and be the exception, but you would certainly have better chances in a place where it is more common. The great thing about the modern day is that you can have access to interracial dating communities like this to meet people from all over the world regardless of where you actually live, or where your possible love is from.

The Life and Interracial Love of a Blog Writer

I haven’t always had the best luck in love. In fact, compared to most of my peers for most of my entire life I haven’t really been keeping up, so to say. I was always the shy kid. The one people would tease about never talking. I became that way because the town I was raised in was almost entirely white, upper-class people. My family was mixed race and middle class. Even though my mom had a very good job she raised us by herself so we weren’t exactly rich. I always knew I wanted to be with someone other than my race, which wasn’t unrealistic given the fact that there was no other part Asian part white person in my town.

Fast forward to college when I left my sheltered, closed-minded, and secluded town. I finally began searching for real interracial love. I have always had an attraction to white females even though the relationship of an Asian male and a white female isn't very common. For some reason or another I was just always drawn to them. It was always something I wanted but never had. I guess it was that kind of hope and longing for one day having it.

My junior year at college I finally met this great girl. We became friends fast and I was always really attracted to her. We had everything in common and race never even came up. It just so happened that she was white and I was Asian, but we never really thought of it that way. I finally mustered up enough courage to ask her out and we've been together ever since.

I wish back in my lonelier days where I desperately searched for love in all of the wrong places there were online interracial dating resources like there are now. I would have been all over that. Even just to meet other people who are interested in, or attracted to the same types of people I am would have been a monumental help in my self esteem.

I’m now happily in an interracial relationship and my girlfriend or I haven’t been any happier. Of course, like any relationship, it takes time and hard work, but now we can both be together and happy with each other in our lives. Race may be a fact of life, but choosing who to be with is in your heart.